Blood transfusion
Acute transfusion reactions
Delayed complications
Transmissible infection
Acute transfusion reactions
Serious or life threatening acute reactions are very rare. However, new symptoms
or signs that arise during a transfusion must be taken seriously as they may be
the first warnings of a serious reaction.
Acute, life-threatening complications of transfusion include:
Incompatible transfused red cells react with the patient's own anti-A or anti-B
antibodies (for more information please click here). This reaction can destroy
red cells in the circulation, initiate acute renal failure and cause
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Infusion of ABO-incompatible blood
is most commonly due to errors in taking or labelling the sample, collecting the
wrong blood from the refrigerator or inadequate checking when the transfusion of
the pack is being started.
If red cells are mistakenly administered to the wrong patient, the chance of ABO
incompatibility is about 1 in 3. The reaction is usually most severe if Group A
red cells are infused to a Group O patient. In a conscious patient, even a few
ml, of ABO incompatible blood may cause symptoms within a few minutes.
Infusion of the contents of a blood pack contaminated by bacteria
This is likely to cause a very severe acute reaction with rapid onset of
hypotension, rigors and collapse.
Transfusion is followed by rapid onset of breathlessness and non-productive
cough. The chest X-ray characteristically shows bilateral infiltrates often
described as 'white out'. Treatment is that for adult respiratory distress
syndrome from any cause. In TRALI, it is usually found that plasma of one of the
donors contains antibodies that react strongly with the patient's leucocytes.
The implicated donors are almost always parous women. It is very important to
report TRALI to the blood service so that an implicated donor can be contacted
and taken off the donor panel.
When too much fluid is transfused or the transfusion is too rapid, acute left
ventricular failure (LVF) may occur with dyspnoea, tachypnoea, non-productive
cough, raised jugular venous pressure (JVP), basal lung crackles, hypotension
and tachycardia. The transfusion should be stopped and standard medical
treatment including diuretic and oxygen given.
Patients with chronic anaemia are usually normovolaemic or hypervolaemic and may
have signs of cardiac failure before any fluid is infused. If such a patient
must be transfused, each unit should be given slowly with diuretic (e.g.,
frusemide, 20 mg), and the patient closely observed. Restricting transfusion to
one unit of RCC in each 12-hour period should reduce the risk of LVF. Volume
overload is a special risk with 20% albumin solutions.
This is a rare but life-threatening complication usually occurring in the early
part of a transfusion. More of a risk with blood components that contain large
volumes of plasma, eg FFP or platelets. Signs consist of hypotension,
bronchospasm, peri-orbital and laryngeal oedema, vomiting, erythema, urticaria
and conjunctivitis. Symptoms include dyspnoea, chest pain, abdominal pain and
Anaphylaxis occurs when a patient who is pre-sensitised to an allergen producing
IgE antibodies is re-exposed to the particular antigen. IgG antibodies to
infused allergens can also cause severe reactions.
A few patients with severe IgA deficiency develop antibodies to IgA. Some of
these patients have severe anaphylaxis if exposed to IgA by transfusion. If the
patient who has had a reaction has to have further transfusion, it is essential
to use saline-washed red cells or, if available, blood components from IgA-deficient
Management of acute transfusion reactions
Since it may be impossible to
identify immediately the cause of a severe reaction, the initial supportive
management should generally cover all the possible causes.
If the only feature is a rise in temperature of less than 1.5°C from baseline or
an urticarial rash:
recheck that the right blood is being transfused
give paracetamol for fever
give antihistamine for urticaria
recommence the transfusion at a slower rate
observe more frequently than routine practice.
If a severe acute reaction is suspected:
stop the transfusion - keep the IV line open with saline
check and record patient's temperature, BP, pulse, respiratory rate
check for respiratory signs - dyspnoea, tachypnoea, wheeze, cyanosis
recheck the identity of patient and blood unit and documentation
notify blood bank
check blood gases or O2 saturation
provide further management according to the patient's developing clinical
Hypotension (systolic BP >20% below pretransfusion level)
In the absence of signs of acute fluid overload:
- resuscitate with saline 20-30 ml/kg over 5 mins
- monitor observations including urine output.
Sustained hypotension
- seek expert advice
- insert central venous line
- take blood cultures
- infuse more intravenous fluid to maintain CVP +5 cm to +10 cm
- decide on the need for:
- IV hydrocortisone 100mg
- broad spectrum antibiotics (see below)
- adrenaline or other inotrope.
Bacterial contamination and antibiotics
- Seek expert advice if bacterial contamination is suspected
- Antibiotics should be chosen to cover gram-positives, including Staphylococcus
aureus, and gram-negatives, e.g:
- a third generation cephalosporin, quinolones or aminoglycosides
- plus azlocillin, ticarcillin, pipericillin.
- Seek expert advice.
- Transfuse platelets and/or FFP, guided by coagulation screen and presence or
absence of bleeding.
If anaphylaxis or a severe allergic reaction is suspected,
high concentration oxygen
chlorpheniramine 10-20 mg by slow IV injection over 1-2 minutes
hydrocortisone 100-200 mg IV
adrenaline 0.5-1 mg (0.5-1 ml of 1 in 1000) by IM injection; repeat every 10
minutes until improvement occurs
salbutamol 2.5 to 5 mg by nebuliser.
If TRALI is suspected
seek expert advice
high concentration oxygen
IV fluids and inotropes, as for acute respiratory distress syndrome
mechanical ventilatory support may be urgently needed.
If fluid overload is suspected
frusemide 40 mg IV
high concentration oxygen.
Note: It may be difficult to distinguish TRALI from fluid overload when
respiratory distress develops during or shortly after transfusion. Raised CVP
suggests fluid overload, while raised pulmonary wedge pressure suggests TRALI.
Unlike other causes of ARDS, TRALI improves over 2-4 days in over 80% of cases
provided there is adequate ITU management with respiratory support. The
mortality was 20% in TRALI cases in the UK reported to SHOT.
Reactions due to red cell antibodies other than anti-A and anti-B
Intravascular haemolysis is normally associated with ABO incompatibility and
only rarely with antibodies to other red cell antigens. Extravascular haemolysis
occurs when red cells, coated with antibody and complement are destroyed by
macrophages in the liver and spleen. This mechanism can remove as much as 400 ml
of red cells from the circulation per day. The symptoms typically are fever and
chills with elevated bilirubin and falling Hb. Antibodies with these properties
occur against the ABO, S, Kell, Duffy and Kidd antigen systems. Antibodies
against the Rh system antigens do not activate complement but antibody-coated
red cells are nevertheless bound to, and destroyed by, macrophages.
Delayed haemolytic reaction
This rare type of reaction usually occurs in patients who have developed red
cell antibodies in the past, from transfusion or pregnancy. These may be
undetectable when the patient is tested months or years later. However, a
subsequent red cell transfusion can quickly boost the antibody. Antibodies of
the Kidd (Jk) system are often the cause of such delayed haemolytic reactions.
A combination of the following features, occurring some days after red cell
transfusion, suggests that the transfused red cells are being destroyed
abnormally quickly:
Hb falls more rapidly than expected after a red cell transfusion
rise in Hb is less than expected
rise in bilirubin
positive direct antiglobulin test.
Febrile non haemolytic transfusion reactions (FNHTR)
Fever or rigors during red cell or platelet transfusion affect 1-2% of
recipients, mainly multi-transfused or previously pregnant patients, although
these reactions are probably less frequent with leucodepleted components.
Features are fever (>1°C above baseline) usually with shivering and general
discomfort occurring towards the end of the transfusion or up to 2 hours after
it has been completed. Most febrile reactions can be managed by slowing or
stopping the transfusion and giving an antipyretic e.g., paracetamol (not
aspirin). These reactions are unpleasant but not life-threatening.
It is important to remember that fever or rigors could be the first warning of a
severe acute reaction.
Allergic reactions
Urticaria and/or itching within minutes of starting a transfusion are quite
common, particularly with components including large volumes of plasma e.g.,
platelet concentrates and FFP. Symptoms usually subside if the transfusion is
slowed and antihistamine is given (e.g., chlorpheniramine 10 mg, by slow
intravenous injection or intramuscular injection in patients who are not
thrombocytopenic). The transfusion may be continued if there is no progression
of symptoms after 30 minutes. Chlorpheniramine should be given before
transfusion if the patient has previously experienced repeated allergic
reactions. If signs and symptoms fail to respond to this, saline-washed blood
components should be considered.
Delayed complications of transfusion.
Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD)
- Leucocyte filtration does not offer protection.
- The mortality is 75-90%.
- Blood components from a parent or other close relative must be irradiated before
transfusion to the recipient.
- There is no effective treatment.
- The condition is almost always fatal.
Transfusion-dependent patients receiving red cells over a long period become
overloaded with iron. Each unit of red cells contains 250 mg of iron and tissue
accumulation can cause liver and cardiac damage. Chelation therapy with
desferrioxamine is used to minimise accumulation of iron in patients likely to
receive long-term transfusions.
Allogeneic blood transfusion alters the recipient's immune system in several
ways. There has been concern that tumour recurrence rates and/or the incidence
of postoperative infection could be increased in transfusion recipients.
However, well designed clinical trials have not shown a difference in either of
these outcomes in recipients of autologous or leucodepleted red cells when
compared to recipients of allogeneic or non-leucodepleted red cells. Recent
randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have compared all-cause mortality in
recipients of leucodepleted versus non-leucodepleted red cells or in patients
managed to a high versus a lower Hb transfusion trigger level. These studies
show some evidence of reduced mortality in certain subgroups of patients
receiving either leucodepeleted blood or less blood overall. These observations
are under investigation.
This is a rare but potentially lethal complication of transfusion of red cells
or platelets. It is more often seen in female patients. It is caused by
platelet-specific alloantibodies. Typically, 5-9 days after transfusion the
patient develops an extremely low platelet count with bleeding.
High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIgG) (2g/kg given over 2 or 5 days) is
the current treatment of choice with responses in about 85% of cases; there is
often a rapid and prompt increase in the platelet count. Steroids and plasma
exchange were the preferred treatments before the availability of IVIgG, and
plasma exchange, in particular, appeared to be effective in some, but not all,
Platelet transfusions are usually ineffective in raising the platelet count, but
may be needed in large doses to control severe bleeding in the acute phase,
particularly in patients who have recently undergone surgery, before there has
been a response to high-dose IVIgG. There is no evidence that platelet
concentrates from HPA-1a negative platelets are more effective than those from
random donors in the acute thrombocytopenic phase, and the dose of platelets may
be more important than the platelet type of the donor platelets. There is no
evidence to suggest that further transfusions in the acute phase prolong the
duration or severity of thrombocytopoenia
Over the past 30 years, the viruses that cause hepatitis B, AIDS and hepatitis C
have been identified. In each case, effective tests were developed and rapidly
introduced to detect and exclude blood donations that could transmit these
infections to a recipient. The risk of being infected with any of these viruses
as a result of a transfusion in the UK is now very low.
Estimates of the risks of virus transmission by blood products in the UK:
Plasma derivatives (virus inactivated)
There is minimal or zero risk of transmitting HIV, human T-cell leukaemia virus
(HTLV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). Certain very small
viruses that lack an outer lipid envelope are relatively resistant to
inactivation procedures. If present in donor plasma they may not be fully
inactivated in all current products.
Blood components
Plasma and cryoprecipitate may be subject to pathogen inactivation.
Cellular products are not currently subject to pathogen inactivation but
processes for platelets are under trial.
hepatitis B and hepatitis C
The risk of HIV hepatitis B, and hepatitis C from transfusion has become
extremely small. The current risk of a blood component transmitting HIV is less
than 1 in 4 million, for hepatitis B is around 1/100,000 and for hepatitis C is
less than 1/400,000 (for anti-HCV tested components and less than 1 in 1 million
for components that have been tested for both anti-HCV and HCV RNA). Therefore,
in the UK (where approximately 3.4 million components are issued each year) we
expect to issue one component in every 1 to 2 years that could transmit HIV,
around 34 components per year that could transmit hepatitis B, and - with
increasing use of HCV RNA testing - substantially less than 8 per year for
hepatitis C. A UK government expert committee has estimated for HTLV I/II that
at most 3 recipients per year are placed at risk of developing some
manifestation of HTLV disease during their lifetime.
The fact that a potentially infective component is released does not mean that a
patient necessarily is infected. The actual number of infected recipients
predicted is much less and very similar to the numbers that have been reported
in the UK.
In the UK, a great
concern at the moment is vCJD, a human disease linked to BSE (so-called mad cow
disease). There have been no reports of vCJD infection due to blood transfusion.
Nevertheless, precautions have been introduced to try to reduce any possible
Several recently described viruses such as GBV-C (so-called "hepatitis G"), TT
virus and SEN-V have been shown to be transmissible by transfusion. None of
these have been shown to be pathogenic. Human herpes virus 8 (HHV8), the
causative agent of Kaposi''s sarcoma, has so far not been shown to be
transmitted by cellular blood components.
Hepatitis C
Serological tests to detect hepatitis C virus infection were introduced in 1991
and have been progressively improved since then: less than 1 in 400,000 blood
components tested for HCV antibody could result in hepatitis C infection. The
introduction of direct testing for hepatitis C RNA reduces the risk to less than
1 in a million. The infection is usually asymptomatic and revealed only by
disturbed liver enzyme tests. About half the affected patients have chronic
infection that can lead, after some years, to severe liver damage.
Other hepatitis viruses
There have been four reports of hepatitis A transmission by blood components in
the UK over the past 25 years. Further viral processes are being introduced to
inactivate protein-enveloped viruses such as hepatitis A in plasma fractions.
HTLV(I and II)
HTLV can cause tropical spastic paresis and a rare form of adult T-cell
leukaemia. There is a latent period usually of many years between infection and
development of illness. Only a small proportion of those infected become ill.
HTLV I is transmissible by the cellular blood components, not plasma. The
prevalence of infection is high in some parts of the world, notably Japan and
the Caribbean. The link between HTLV II infection and disease is less clear, but
infection is found in some intravenous drug users. Surveys in the UK indicate
that the risk of HTLV-related disease following transfusion of blood is
exceedingly low. Blood donors in the UK are not currently screened for HTLV I/II
infection. However, leucodepletion may well be shown to reduce the risk.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Approximately 50% of UK blood donors have antibody to CMV, but only a small
proportion of antibody-positive donations transmit the virus through
transfusion. Transfusion-transmitted CMV is of proven clinical importance in
premature infants weighing less than 1200-1500 g who are born to CMV
antibody-negative mothers and in CMV antibody-negative bone marrow allograft
recipients who receive CMV seronegative grafts. Although the risk of clinical
CMV infection is much smaller in recipient of autografts, some centres recommend
that CMV-seronegative patients undergoing autografts also should receive CMV-
negative products, For these patients CMV-safe blood components should be given.
This is normally done by using donations that do not contain detectable antibody
to CMV. CMV is only transmitted by leucocytes. There is evidence that the use of
leucocyte-depleted blood components is effective in preventing transmission of
CMV by transfusion. However, the use of CMV antibody-negative components, in
addition to leucocyte-depletion, currently remains the treatment of choice in
clinical situations where there is high risk of CMV transmission (for more
information please click here). Fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate do not
transmit CMV.
Human parvovirus B19
This protein-enveloped virus may not be inactivated in all current plasma
fractions. Processes are being introduced to do this. There is evidence that HPV
B19 infection is associated with bone marrow suppression affecting red cell
production in occasional patients.
Treponemal infections
All donations are screened for serological evidence of Treponema pallidum
infection. A further safeguard is that infectivity of T. pallidum declines as
blood is stored at 2-6°C. Transfusion transmission is estimated to occur with a
frequency of about 1/40,000 in the USA. There have been no reports of
transfusion transmission in the UK in recent years.
Other bacterial infections
Bacterial contamination of a blood component is a rare cause of very severe and
often lethal transfusion reactions. In the UK, 16 incidents (4 fatalities) were
identified during the 6 years to 2000, giving a rate of about 2/million units
transfused. This is likely to be an underestimate. Bacteria associated with
severe septic reactions to red cell transfusion are usually cold-growing
strains. Pseudomonas fluorescens, the type most often isolated is an
environmental contaminant. Yersinia enterocolitica is an example of an organism
that may enter a blood donor pack that is collected from a donor during an
episode of asymptomatic bacteraemia. Skin contaminants such as staphylococci may
proliferate in platelet concentrates stored at 20-22°C and this is a factor
limiting the safe storage life of platelet concentrates. Platelets are more
likely to be associated with bacterial complications than are red cells. New
methods for reducing this risk are in development.
Donor selection procedures are designed to exclude potentially infectious
individuals from donating red cells for transfusion. Transfusion-transmitted
malaria occurs with a frequency of about 0.25/million units collected in the
USA. Comparable data for the UK are not available. Only four cases of
transfusion malaria (all due to Plasmodium falciparum) have been reported in the
UK in the past 25 years. A screening test for donors has been evaluated that
detects malarial antibody in potential blood donors who have a history of
potential exposure to malarial infection. This test may enable some people who
are currently excluded to be accepted as donors.
Chagas disease
This is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi and is transmissible by transfusion. Four
cases have been reported in the US, but none in the UK. It is an important
problem in parts of South America where the infection is endemic. A new test for
antibody can now allow the acceptance of donors at risk of infection who would
previously have been excluded.
Summary guideline: Transfusion for major bleeding
Arrest bleeding
Restore circulating volume N.B. In patients with major vessel or cardiac
injury, it may be appropriate to restrict volume replacement after
discussion with surgical team
Insert wide bore peripheral cannulas
Give adequate volumes of crystalloid/blood
Aim to maintain normal BP and urine output >30ml/hr in adults (or
Request laboratory investigations
FBC, PT, APTT, fibrinogen; blood bank sample, biochemical profile, blood
Ensure correct sample identity for transfusion samples
Repeat FBC, PT, APTT, fibrinogen every 4 hrs, or after 1/3 blood volume
replacement, or after infusion of FFP
Request suitable red cells N.B. All red cells are now leucocyte-depleted.
The volume is provided on each pack, and is in the range of 220-420ml.
Blood needed immediately - use 'Emergency stock' group O Rh D neg
Blood needed in 15-60 minutes - uncrossmatched ABO group specific will
be provided when blood group known (15-60 minutes from receipt of sample in
Blood needed in 60 minutes or longer - fully crossmatched blood will be
Consider the use of platelets
Anticipate platelet count < 50 × 109 /l after 1.5-2 × blood
volume replacement
Dose: 10ml/kg body weight for a neonate or small child, otherwise one
'adult therapeutic dose' (one pack)
Target platelet count: >100 × 109 /l for multiple/CNS trauma,
>50 × 109 /l for other situations
Consider the use of FFP
Anticipate coagulation factor deficiency after blood loss of 1.5 × blood
Aim for PT and APTT < 1.5 × mean control
Allow for 30 mins thawing time
Dose: 12-15 ml/kg body wt = 1 litre or 4 units for an adult
Consider the use of cryoprecipitate
To replace fibrinogen and FVIII
Aim for fibrinogen >1.0g/l
Allow for 30 mins thawing time
Dose: 1pack/10kg body wt
Fibrinogen < 0.5 strongly associated with microvascular bleeding
Joint National Institute of Biological Standards and Control and United
Kingdom Blood
Transfusion Services guidelines
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Perioperative Blood Transfusion
for Elective
Surgery – A national clinical guideline. Number 54. October 2001.
British Committee for Standards in Haematology, Blood Transfusion Task Force.
for the administration of blood and blood components and the management of
transfused patients. Transfusion Medicine 1999; 9 :227-238.
Last updated