The skeletons have links in the image click on the areas you are interested in. Areas that have been coloured in, have information. Generally joints are on the skeletons right and long bones on the left. Where there is a unique paediatric classification click on the small skeleton.
Always check the bottom of the page to see when last the page was updated and let me know if something is wrong.
Buttons (images) in the menu on the left are links (click on buttons)
Click on this button (image) to go to
my home page
Use this button to go back to the skeletons. If
you use the back button on your browser the disclaimer notice will pop up again.
Email if you have any comments
rays that have a red button will
animate if you click on them.
X rays/
images with book on should auto animate, wait
for page to load
with a mouse on. MOUSEOVER (rest mouse on image to animate)
Click this button to return
to user guide
Generally the first page (overview) has normal x-rays of area in question
In the menu frames (left part of screen), blue text is a link to areas/ injuries in the region of interest.
Any text that is blue is a link (click on it)
At the end of the page is current references topical to the region/ injury