Patella height
There are three ways to measure patella height (knee
needs to be slightly flexed about 30 degrees to tension extensor mechanism)
1. Blumensaat's line
With the knee flexed 30 degrees a
line drawn through the roof of the intercondylar notch should touch the tip of
the patella. NOT VERY RELIABLE
2. Insall Salvati index
Length of Patella (LP) / Length of
Patella tendon (LT) LP/LT = 1 (Standard deviation 0.13)
Useful if not sure where tibial
tuberosity is, ie. old Osgood Schlaters disease.
Lateral radiograph, knee flexed at least 30ยบ. Project
a line forwards along the tibial plateau and make two measurements:
A -
Perpendicular height of the lower end of the articular surface of the patella
from the tibial plateau line.
B - Length of
the articular surface of the patella
A / B = 0.8
Blackburn and
Peel stated the normal ratio as 0.8, patellar altais greater than I.0
Blumensaat, C. (1938) Die
Lageabweichungen und Verrenkungen der Kniescheibe. Ergebnisse der Chirurgie und
Orthop#{228}die, 31, 149-223.
Insall, J., and Salvati, E. (1971) Patella position in the normal knee joint.
Radiology, 101, 101-104.
JS Blackburne
and TE Peel; A new method of measuring patellar height; J Bone Joint
Surg Br, May 1977; 59-B: 241 - 242
Last updated
Page created by: Lee Van Rensburg
Correction by: Gideon Heinert